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Welcome to Ketos Art!

My passion is mosaic art and I am happy to tailor any piece to your requirements

Please browse the site and contact me if you have any questions


Works in Progress


I'm Pieter and I set up Ketos Art as I love creating beautiful and unique mosaic works.  I've always had an interest in the past and enjoyed visiting areas with an interesting culture and history.  It was on Cyprus that I really discovered my facination with mosaics.  I love the island, having visited many times and I had the opportunity of an extended holiday, when I was able to just spend time visiting sites and quietly contemplating life.  I came away with a deep interest in mosaics and decided that this was what I wanted to focus on.  


I chose the name 'Ketos Art' as I love the sea and in Ancient Greek, the word Kētos represents a large fish, whale, shark or sea monster.  When I was growing up, I used to visit a local beach where I could find pre-historic fossilised sharks teeth in the shingle and sand and I have integrated one of these fossilised teeth into some of my works.

People unfamiliar with making mosaics would probably be surprised just how much time and effort goes into making them but the way I see it, a quality mosaic item should last many years and still look beautiful but it only will if it is made well to start with.  Every piece I produce is made with love and I always hope that when someone looks at anything I've made, they can feel some of that joy.  I mainly work with glass mosaic tiles but also use stained glass, ceramic tiles and a variety of other objects and enjoy broadening my use of materials and mosaic styles.


Pieter Wickes
Ketos Art
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Ketos Art

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